Friday, March 21, 2014

Choose Your Best Marriage Now! 英語と日本語--結婚 第二部  今から素晴らしい結婚を選びましょう

日本語したに書いてあります。  Scroll down for Japanese.

Last time we talked a little about how to make marriage last a long time.  Today, we will talk about one of the foundations of a long-lasting, successful, happy marriage. This foundation has two pillars.

  1. How to find and choose a marriage partner. 

What kind of person do you want to marry?  Let me suggest a few qualities.  Most of the qualities we want in a marriage partner are the same as those we want in a good friend.

   Who wants a friend who is a liar?  How can you be friends with, or live with, a person who does not tell the truth ALL the time?

Whether you meet a person at work or school, notice how he or she works or studies. Do you want a lazy partner or friend? Remember, one of you can become sick and the other will have to work very hard to take care of the other and of course, the children.  You want a partner who will work hard at work and at home.  You do not want a lazy partner.

Kind, Patient, Loving
Remember, as you look around for a wife or husband, you are also looking for a mother or father for your children.  EVEN IF right now you think you will not have children, keep this in mind. You may change your mind in a few years.  You can love your kids now by finding them a wonderful mother or father.
Dependable, a promise-keeper
Unless you want a life filled with disappointment, you need to find a partner who is dependable.  If he says he will do something by a certain time, you can believe that it will be done.  AND, if she promises not to do something or to stop doing something, you can believe her. You want to marry someone who keeps promises.

Serious and Funny
The best marriages are filled with laughter, but you also need someone who knows when to be serious.  Just like a diet of sweets is not good for you, too much laughter can be a bad sign in a partner.  

VERY IMPORTANT  So far everything we have said is true of a good friend or colleague.  And you will need many good friends and colleagues.  But there is one relationship that is exclusive - - just between you and one other person.  One of God's best gifts to humans is the gift of sex.  But it also one of the most dangerous gifts.  In His great love, he has given us one rule for sex and put it deep into our hearts.  This rule?  Sex is to be shared ONLY with one person, and only inside the safety, trust, and love of marriage.  
Why?  Think a little.  Do you want a partner who has sex with other people after you are married?  Of course not. You want a person who has sex with only one person - you.   So before marriage, you wait for your special one, and after marriage you keep the trust and safety and love alive by protecting the love you share.

II. How to become a good marriage partner.
This part is easy to write, easy to read, easy to understand, but may be hard to do.  Simply, become the kind of person you are looking for.

Work at becoming Honest, Hard-working, Dependable, Kind, Patient, and Loving, and Serious and Funny!

And... remember to save sexual relations for the person you will marry.  This is the best way to love that person, your future children, and even yourself.

 1.   結婚相手をどのように選び、見つけるか。 あなたはどんな人と結婚がしたいですか。いくつかの特質を挙げてみましょう。結婚相手に望まれる特質のほとんどは、良い友人に望まれる特質と同じです。 
親切、寛容、愛: あなたが妻、または夫をさがすということは、あなたの子供たちの母親、父親をさがすことでもあるということを覚えてください。たとえ、もし今あなたが子供を持つつもりがないとしても、このことは心に止めておいてください。二~三年たてば、あなたの気持ちが変わるかもしれません。相手がすばらしい母親、または父親だとわかると、あなたは子供たちを愛してあげることができます。
2.   良い結婚相手となるためにはどのようにするか

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